Who We Are

The Spiritist Society of Columbus Ohio (SISCO) is a non-profit organization that promotes the study, diffusion, and practice of the Spiritist Doctrine, as codified by Allan Kardec.

We believe in Spiritism and all its fundamental aspects: scientific, philosophical, religious, ethical, and moral.

We promote charity as a way to alleviate material and spiritual needs.

We fraternally welcome each person as an individual capable of co-creating their own path to eternal life, and together we help with answers to many existential questions such as "Where do I come from? What is my life's purpose? Why do I suffer"?

We invite you to attend one of our services to learn more about our group and join us on a journey to self-improvement.

What We Do

We believe that our path to spiritual enlightenment comes from the study and practice of the teachings of our guide and master Jesus.

In our meetings, we dig deeper into questions and discussions that bring awareness to the reality that our daily choices define our future. We are also aware that coincidences do not occur and that our present is the result of our own choices.

We focus on helping each other grow emotionally and spiritually. We're a community of learners and supporters.

We know that everyone is in the right place at the moment and there is no injustice, only a need to learn and evolve.

Our activities include study groups - online and in person -, talks, fraternal assistance, kids spiritist education, and volunteering.

Learn More

Do not be discouraged.

Keep persisting a little longer.

Do not cultivate pessimism.

Focus on the good to do.

Never mind the suggestions of destructive fear.

Move on, even through the shadow of your own mistakes.

Move forward, even if it's through tears.

Keep working constantly.

Always build.

Do not allow the ice of disenchantment to numb your heart.

Do not be impressed by the difficulty.

Convince yourself that spiritual victory is construction for everyday life.

-Emmanuel | Chico Xavier

Our Calendar

Below is a list of our current activities. You can click on the meeting and add it to your calendar.

It will be a great pleasure for us to have you at our next event!

God grants us, every day, a page of new life in the book of time. What we put in it, it's our own choice.

-Chico Xavier